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Day: June 4, 2013

Thank you for your disappointment. SFWA bloggedness

Thank you for your disappointment. SFWA bloggedness

I am a member of SFWA, but I do not hold office. In this blog post I will refer to SFWA as we or us, that’s my SFWA, the reason I am a member of SFWA, a SFWA I share with other members and will fight for.

Dear people who have criticized SFWA, members* and non-members.

Thank you for your disappointment, your outrage, your eloquence, your passion around the Bulletin debacle. By taking the time to articulate your disappointment you help make SFWA a better organization. I know I am not the only SFWA member who has been following SFWA posts on twitter, paying attention to what happens on facebook, reading many many blog posts and participating in conversations in the SFWA forums**.

Your outrage helps us effect change.

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Things Comic 130!!! We made it!

Things Comic 130!!! We made it!

Click to see full comic

Comic 130! Comic 130!!!!!!! I promised I would make 130 comics by June 23 and I did it!

For a bit I was drawing a comic every day and zooming ahead like a machine, then (just as a wise writer told me this was probably not a good long term strategy) my drawing fell over and I did close to nothing for two months. I hoisted myself back into the saddle and with more than a little fear in my eyes I’ve successfully put out one comic every two days.

We have ARRIVED!… but I don’t think we’re there yet, I think we’ll keep going. I think there’s a mountain over there that looks interesting. I think there’s a cardboard box with something scary inside. I think I don’t know what the road ahead looks like, but I’d like you to share it with me and I hope we’ll make some cool discoveries together.

If you have ideas about promotion, merchandise, cool things you’d like to see, please let me know.