Wiscon Schedule

I found this looking for a nice "This is what a feminist looks like" image. Comes from a really funky looking virtual mosque. I think my favorite t-shirt is "Halal for me means sweatshop free". I didn't know Halal could extend to manufactured goods, but given Halal means consuming things that have not been generated out of cruelty that makes sense.

Wiscon is not very far away at all at all! – Wiscon being a mighty feminist science fiction convention held every year in Wisconsin.

This will be my first Wiscon and I am quite excited. I will be doing a reading and two panels.

11up – Writer Readings. Cycles of Life. Salacious, sacrificial, silly, sentimental and severe.

Sat, 2:30–3:45 pm Michelangelos
Liz Argall, Keffy R.M. Kehrli, Valya Dudycz Lupescu, Margaret Ronald and Monica Valentinelli

With about 10 minutes a piece we aim to entertain. I am planning to read from an unpublished story of mine that I am very fond of. It’s called “Love is a component of this story”. It’s my love letter to Kurt Vonnegurt, though I do have a few love letters to Oscar Wilde I’m tempted by as well.

Doing the Industrial Revolution Right

Sun, 12:00–1:15 am Senate A
Philip Kaveny, Liz Argall, Richard F. Dutcher, Michael J. “Orange Mike” Lowrey and ANONYMOUS.

Is there a way to develop a modern industrial society without devastating environmental and cultural destruction, and without creating enormous social inequality?

Communication Technologies as Tools of Revolution

Mon, 10:00–11:15 am Conference 3
Christopher Davis, Liz Argall, Jim Leinweber, Rowan Littell and Sunny Moraine

First, let’s discuss the various communication technologies and the tools to use them: the Internet, satellite, cell and broadcast; email, instant messaging, social media, and ham radio. Then let’s talk about how they advance social change and how can we make them more effective in social change work. Some possibilities: routing around failure, preserving anonymity, collating assistance and organizing efforts, and auto-translating.


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