Wiscon is not very far away at all at all! – Wiscon being a mighty feminist science fiction convention held every year in Wisconsin.
This will be my first Wiscon and I am quite excited. I will be doing a reading and two panels.
11up – Writer Readings. Cycles of Life. Salacious, sacrificial, silly, sentimental and severe.
Sat, 2:30–3:45 pm Michelangelos
Liz Argall, Keffy R.M. Kehrli, Valya Dudycz Lupescu, Margaret Ronald and Monica Valentinelli
With about 10 minutes a piece we aim to entertain. I am planning to read from an unpublished story of mine that I am very fond of. It’s called “Love is a component of this story”. It’s my love letter to Kurt Vonnegurt, though I do have a few love letters to Oscar Wilde I’m tempted by as well.
Doing the Industrial Revolution Right
Sun, 12:00–1:15 am Senate A
Philip Kaveny, Liz Argall, Richard F. Dutcher, Michael J. “Orange Mike” Lowrey and ANONYMOUS.
Is there a way to develop a modern industrial society without devastating environmental and cultural destruction, and without creating enormous social inequality?
Communication Technologies as Tools of Revolution
Mon, 10:00–11:15 am Conference 3
Christopher Davis, Liz Argall, Jim Leinweber, Rowan Littell and Sunny Moraine
First, let’s discuss the various communication technologies and the tools to use them: the Internet, satellite, cell and broadcast; email, instant messaging, social media, and ham radio. Then let’s talk about how they advance social change and how can we make them more effective in social change work. Some possibilities: routing around failure, preserving anonymity, collating assistance and organizing efforts, and auto-translating.
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