Every year I’ve participated in the Clarion Write-a-thon – a six week, try to push yourself creatively to raise money for a good cause. Every year I’ve met great people, re-connected with friends, made art and told stories I never would have without the desperation of this challenge.
There’s a poem that I wrote standing on one foot that is better for the physical intensity of that challenge. Another poem that came out of my love letters to inanimate object series is now a crowd favorite at my readings, a poem that has caused people to discover that they actually like poetry. It’s a challenge that gave me permission to bring art back into my life as a regular, shared practice (something I’ll write about more in a few days).
I’ve signed up for the 2013 edition and I’m pretty excited by the new cute badges you can unlock!!! I’m kinda a sucker for them and it’s made me fill in my profile a bit more than I intended, just so I could see what happened after happy waggy puppy dogs.
This is my profile. Signups are now open and this year’s challenge begins on June 23. I’d love it if you could join me.
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