The Things and Bunson Hoppydew say "May your year be full of joy and delight"

2022 Year in Review

Wow, 2022 has been and gone. Such an intense year I can only just now sit down to write about it. There’s been a lot of powerful work this last year, and more powerful work to come.

Thank you wonderful Patrons for your ongoing support, especially as a tunnel inwards in slightly different ways.

Ordinary Madness

In 2022 I published Ordinary Madness, a 60 page comic book about my experiences of psychosis. I drew this book in about a month, which meant working 40-60 hour weeks on the comic on top of a full time day job that can get pretty intense!

I’m really proud of that book. I’ve had mental health professionals with decades of experience tell me it’s taught them new stuff about psychosis. I’ve had people thank me for helping their own experiences feel more seen. It’s helped me be more open about my experiences, whether people have read the book or not, knowing the book exists helps me worry less. I own my experience more! Ordinary Madness is now 

Jagged Edges

A collaborative comic book with David Lasky. David Lasky and I created a comic book together! I wrote a script for him to draw, he drew a script for me to draw and we printed a book with two covers that you can read in either direction. I’ve got maybe 20 copies left, if you want to snarf a copy. $4.99 plus shipping in the USA.


I’ve been trying not to berate myself for not creating more short form comics. “I’ve had longer comics to create!” But I just did a read through and I think I did over 60 webcomics this year. I guess that’s what’s handy about doing a year in review! There were definitely more in the first half of the year, while the second half was a little sparse.

More of my comics have been Little Liz comics, which haven’t been such a good fit for, but you can see them over on my Patreon. You can view the comics for free, though Patrons get more behind the scenes content and special extra stuff. Some of the comics I’m most proud of this year are. website upgrades

I migrated the website onto a new back end. It’s much more attractive and folks can scroll back and forth. I’m still working on migrating hundreds of pages of content into the new structure, so some content reads like a blog, while other content you can click next next next. There are many more days, weeks of time needed to migrate the content, though at least as I move the content I’m able to check that all images have alt text, all comics have transcripts etc.

A Sad Magnets

In addition to black & white or full color A Sad cards, you can now get A Sad fridge magnets. They sold out so first I had to almost immediately do a second print run! What a wonderful feeling. I have quite an addiction to buying stamps, I love all the different forever stamps and I prefer sending them to folks rather than saving them. When folks order stuff I have so much fun putting such magical stickers on parcels.

The next book!

Ordinary Madness was always the first step, I think the first step among many, as writing about mental illness and recovery is an ongoing process, not a simple unit of stuff. Over the last few months I’ve been working on a larger book. I’m quite excited about it. I’ve drawn about 160 new pages. I haven’t drawn a lot since I completed this new draft. But a few weeks off is ok sometimes. And now back to it!

Here’s to 2023!

The Things and Bunson Hoppydew say "May your year be full of joy and delight"


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