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One thought on “Contact

  1. Good afternoon, Liz.

    I came across your ‘A Sad’ drawing in a Facebook post and was in awe. That describes my long time friend Trena and I’s relationship to a tee.

    I see a lot of potential in creating your Things Without in crochet form. I am very much an amateur and, so far, have only made my creations for friends. However, after some life changing Sads, I’m being encouraged by close friends to start using my passion for yarn as a way to add additional income to my life.

    Before I even started the process of making one, I wanted to reach out to you to determine if you’d be interested in a possible partnership. My vision is to make all sorts of colors to represent the feelings, recreate your artistry. How they would be sold/distributed would be up to you, but we would split any profits.

    Seriously, these characters are just brilliant. That illustration was brilliant.

    If you are not interested I will pursue no further. This is your creation and I have no right to dictate how it is used. But I think it would be lovely nonetheless. I’m happy to provide images of my work so far if you like. Thank you so much!

    Katey Wilks Zemen

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