Falling Leaves in the Best of Apex Magazine!

Falling Leaves in the Best of Apex Magazine!

bestofapexI am so excited to be in such exalted company!

You can pre-order it now and it will be on sale in early December.



Things Plushie Fabric now available!

Things Plushie Fabric now available!

You guys! You guys! The Spoonflower package arrived ages ago and I was too scared to open it, but Spoonflower told me on Monday from 9 AM EST ’til Tuesday at 9 AM EST, free standard shipping on all orders to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, so I had to open it.

It is soooo pretty! The photos do no do it justice. The colours came out really well, the printing is crisp… Now I just have to find a friend with a sewing machine! Boot is a great pillow!

You can check out my Spoonflower store here :-)

Boot and Mayara Bunsonnthings

Interviewing Helena Bell over at Lightspeed Magazine

Interviewing Helena Bell over at Lightspeed Magazine

I interviewed the delightful Helena Bell about her short story, “When We Were Giants”, but I neglected to tell you guys about it. She has some interesting things to say about her creative process, her MFA and Clarion experience and thinking behind her story.  http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/nonfiction/author-spotlight-helena-bell-2/


Things, plushies and Chuffles

Things, plushies and Chuffles

I just used money I got from a short story sale to purchase samples of Things Plushies!

spoonflower things plushies!

Once I’ve had a look at them… perhaps borrowed a friend’s sewing machine/expertise I’ll do any revisions necessary and then you’ll be able to order your own fabric print Things. I get 10% of anything earned and the world gets more interesting things to cuddle. This is my shop, it’s empty right now, but once things have been proofed stuff will go up there and you’re welcome to follow me now!

Over on the Things we’re currently up to page seven of a twenty-four page picture book I drew late last year. It’s called Chuffles Misses the Moon and here is the start.

My Orycon Program

My Orycon Program

I’ll be at OryCon 37 November 20-22 in Portland, Oregon.

Fri Nov 20 12:30:pm
Fri Nov 20 1:00:pm
Liz Argall Reading

Liz Argall presents stories, poetry and song from the Antipodes.

Liz Argall


Fri Nov 20 5:00:pm
Fri Nov 20 6:00:pm
Science Fiction as a Tool for Social Change

Many writers have put their ideals into their writing. Some have even tried to get people to follow those ideals.

A.M. Brosius, Andrew Ross, Stacy Spangler, Liz Argall


Sat Nov 21 5:00:pm
Sat Nov 21 6:00:pm
We Can’t Talk to Flipper, so How Can We Talk to Aliens?

The real problems of inter-species communications, and things we might be able to do to deal with them. Universal translator? Let’s start with *a* translator.

Kal Cobalt, Bob Kanefsky, (*)Liz Argall, Howard Davidson


Sat Nov 21 6:00:pm
Sat Nov 21 7:00:pm
Salon A
A Touch of Farmer, a Pinch of LeGuin

Panelists discuss their biggest influences and what books have changed the recent landscape in SF/F/H literature.

(*)Cat Rambo, Stoney Compton, Claude Lalumière, Liz Argall, James Patrick Kelly


Sun Nov 22 11:00:am
Sun Nov 22 12:00:pm
What is cognition?

A look at the impact of modern neuroscience and psychology on our understanding of understanding

(*)Mir Plemmons , Joyce Reynolds-Ward, Donna McMahon, Manny Frishberg, Liz Argall


Sun Nov 22 1:00:pm
Sun Nov 22 2:00:pm
Graphic Novels and Comics as Literature

What is noteworthy in the unique storytelling found in graphic novels? Are books really more literary, when they’re not illustrated?

Rob McMonigal, Chris Roberson, Wolfcat, Liz Argall


Sun Nov 22 2:00:pm
Sun Nov 22 3:00:pm
Solo or team; what’s the best way to create comics?

Who writes, who does the art, who does the color–teamwork or one-man show? Who assembles the team if there’s going to be one? What comes first, the chicken or the egg, and who looks for it.

Katie Lane, Jake Richmond, Liz Argall
Falling Leaves, Live on EscapePod PLUS Aurealis Awards Alternate Reality Speech

Falling Leaves, Live on EscapePod PLUS Aurealis Awards Alternate Reality Speech

You can listen to Falling Leaves over at EscapePod NOW!

aurealis-awards-finalist-high-resThere is a tradition in some circles that after an awards ceremony the folks who did not win awards get together and give their acceptance speeches. I had the pleasure of seeing such an unceremony at a Nebula Awards after party and it was beautiful. Everyone had written such beautiful love letters to story, to friends and family, to imagination making a difference, and a belief that this world can be better if we dream more and speak to diverse truths.

Falling Leaves was a Finalist for the Aurealis Awards, but unfortunately I could not fly to Australia to attend the ceremony. It is a true cliche that it is an honor just to be nominated. I would have loved to hear all those acceptance speeches (from winners and alternate reality winners) and so in celebration of Falling Leaves going live on EscapePod (go listen!) here is my alternate reality acceptance speech:

I would like to acknowledge the Ngunawal people who are the traditional custodians of this land. I would also like to pay respect to the elders past and present and extend that respect to other Aboriginal people present.

My story, Falling Leaves, was set around the Nandewar ranges whose people include the Anaiwan, Kamilaroi, Weraerai, and Kwaimbul.

Thank you to Cat and Alison for making it out to the awards ceremony and being my friends and family when I cannot be there.

I’ve never written a potential acceptance speech before. It’s such a delight to be nominated. Writing is often something done alone and in the dark and it is a precious thing to feel seen. Thank you for seeing this story.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Writing can be lonely, but it also takes a village.

From grey Seattle I raise a glass to writing communities, such as Clarion, Sounds on Paper and Horrific Miscue. To the geek and gamer diaspora centered around Phenomenon Roleplaying Convention who did so much for my creative spirit. To Inner Chapters, the bookstore, bar and cafe where this story found its first spark at an open mic night. To Lynne M. Thomas at Apex Magazine who saw this story’s worth and helped me turn it up to eleven, and to Sigrid Ellis who saw it through to publication

To my friends and family. To my husband and partner in crime, Mike McClure, you do so much to support me and believe in me. I may need to invent new words to describe how much you mean to me.

Thank you Aurealis judges for seeing this work. Thank you for seeing these two angry young women trying to find connection in a world of pain, anger and so much beyond their control. They are the kinds of women that aren’t often heard, they are too angry, too messy and conflicted. Thank you for seeing and valuing their stories, they are strong and capable, they complex, warm and funny, and they will find healing paths although it may be long, jagged and strange.


Escape Artists Trifecta! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!

Escape Artists Trifecta! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!

Escape Pod, the science fiction podcast magazineAka I have a story coming out in Escape Pod soon, read this to find out just how much that means to me.

Escape Artists are an amazing speculative fiction machine. Through the powers of their THREE podcasts, Escape Pod for science fiction, PodCastle for fantasy and Pseudopod for horror they have brought joy to many listeners. I’ve only recently had the space I need to listen to a lot of podcasts and I think connecting to the Escape Artists person has made me a better, happier person… not just happier, more connected, connected to community and connected to the world of ideas.

I’ve had a story come out in Pseudopod, a story come out in PodCastle and I have signed the contract for a story in Escape Pod for my Aurealis Awards shortlisted story, “Falling Leaves,”

Escape Pod just had its 500th episode recently and invited people to call in and say what Escape Pod means to them. I wanted to call in, but never quite managed to make it happen. It’s really beautiful to listen to how much Escape Pod has meant to different people. The 500th episode starts with a beautiful story by Theodore Sturgeon, “The Man Who Lost the Sea,” followed so many beautiful words. I encourage you to listen to it, even if you’re not a normal listener to the podcast, there’s something wonderful about hearing people talk about connection, about community about these spaces and relationships we make with storytelling.



Things Without WILL be in Uncanny Magazine Year 2

Things Without WILL be in Uncanny Magazine Year 2

I mentioned it over on the Things website, but neglected to share the joyous news here. It came down to the last few hours, but thanks to all the brilliant Kickstarter backers the Things will be responding to fiction over at Uncanny Magazine.

I’m so excited about Year Two and if you’re not excited go and check out Year One. Most of it is free online and it’ll be a great prep for year two!*

459: Things in Uncanny!

*”The Sisters Line,” a story I co-wrote with Ken Schneyer is up on Uncanny Magazine Year One. It’s available to subscribers and will be available to the rest of the world next month.