Paying gig – Australian Manga artists only

Forwarded on, please approach directly if you are interested or need further information.

Melbourne Anime Festival is back in 2009 celebrating its tenth year. We are currently searching for an artist to make all of our art for this year. The skills you will need if you wish to attempt for this role are:

* Able to produce both Vector and Raster based art, preferably in Adobe native formats.
* Be able to get work done on short notice, as in as little as 3 days.
* Be able to take criticism.
* Work with the design and create additional work.
* Create multiple designs from a single brief.

The role will involve working closely with members of the Manifest Organizing Committee and taking instructions on where certain things may need to be changed. Artwork that you will be required to make could be used for:

* Posters
* Postcards
* Badges
* Program Book
* Online Promotion
* Other Promotional means

The remuneration for being selected is $2,000 plus the opportunity for bonuses for providing high quality images within certain time constraitns. The closing date for submission is January 19th at 9:00AM. You may be required to meet with members of MOC

In order to be eligible you need to present at a minimum:

* 5 pictures
* 3 Must include Peppa-chan
* 1 Must include a Male character
* 1 Must incorporate how you will stylize the celebration of the 10th Manifest
* 3 Must have been made within 12 months of the submission date
* Original computer files must be provided for at least 3 images (In order to understand how you use programs, Eg, layering methods)
* Of these computer one must be vector and one raster

Please submit your pieces of work as well as the following details:

* Full Name
* Address
* Email address
* Phone Numbers
* A description of what makes you believe you would be the best for the position
* Any possible issues that you know of that may present themselves over the year. Eg. Leaving the country or general unavailability

Either electrionically to or physically send it to
P.O. Box 21036
Little Lonsdale St
Melbourne 8011


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