“The John W. Campbell Award is given to the best new science fiction or fantasy writer whose first work professional publication in the previous two year. of science fiction or fantasy was published in the previous two years” (Campbell official website).
I’m not sure if I’m in my first year of eligibility, though I am listed on the website! I open a terrible can of worms with Cracked Leather as it is a fairly interstitial piece. I’ve checked in with the moderators to make sure I fit, but I have not yet heard back from them. Lets focus on some other folks.
It is a pleasure to know some of the talented people who are eligible for nomination. These are the folks I know who are in their second year:
- Ken Schenyer – I must confess I love this guy like a brother. We did Clarion together and he was one of the smartest and most caring of us all. As a housemate he also got to experience me at my maddest states of sleep deprivation. Of all the bad luck most of his work is in unusual publications or coming out in 2010. He writes of what a Clarion short-listing would mean to him as well as ways to read more of his work. He writes with sensitivity, complexity and elegance.
- Camille Alexa – Funky, spunky, woman with attitude and writing to boot. Putting STUFF in fiction.
- Felicity Shoulders – Is also cursed by writing that is in print but you can’t check out online. Oh no melon! She is however a fabulous, insightful lass and lapsed paleontologist.
- Doselle Young – Comics creator and all around nice guy. He rescued me in LA after we’d only known each other for a few days and took these photos while feeding me good Mexican food.
- Ian McHugh – some Aussie writer dude ;-). I met him at Worldcon very briefly in 2008, he was constantly running away to hang out with his Clarion Buddies. Pffft, who’d want to do that?… (Clarion people at WFC’09, we traveled like this ALL THE TIME)
Those are the folks I know (have I missed anyone? am I bad person?). I’m going to to try to read a sampling from as many nominees as I can. I think we get five votes. Who do you know? Who do you recommend?
If you’re eligible for a Campbell Award and not listed let the Campbell crew know.
If you’re already an eligible voter, the online nomination ballot, which must be completed by March 13, is here:
If you’d like to buy a supporting membership to be eligible to vote, the membership signup, which must be completed by January 31, is here:
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