Creating Comics in Canberra, Australia

I’ve noticed (through the power of google analytics) that quite a few people have found my website while looking for comic workshops in Canberra. I don’t live in Canberra anymore, but I am happy to help you find local comicers if you need someone.

Impact Comics might be able to help you as well, I’m sure they’ll do their best. They are a wonderful comics store in Civic (right near the chessboard) who really support independent comics and local creators. They’ve organised events like Women in Comics as part of International Women’s Day, hosted events during Canberra Living Artists Week; and looking at their website I’ve just found out they hosted an event for OtakuFest. I highly recommend going to them as a first port of call for anyone interested in comics in Canberra.

And Yes they do host Free Comic Book Day. A lot of Canberrans I know assume Free Comic Book Day does not come to us… well it does! Remember to get your free comics on 1 May.

Oh dear, you can see how enthusiastic I get when I’m talking about Impact Comics, I can’t help it. They’ve earned my love with a great store and great conversations. As a comic creator, having a good retailer who you can chat about the business (and art) with is a wonderful thing.

Happy comic creating and Happy New Year


3 responses to “Creating Comics in Canberra, Australia”

  1. As a customer, I agree. We’re very lucky in this city to have a store like Impact.

  2. Hi,

    I’ve got my own web comic here:

    and in that blog, you can see my artwork
    samples, such as pin ups and one page
    comic panel.

    contact me if you need more freelancer
    comic artist (^_^)


  3. I totally agree Mick. I have not yet cultivated a local comic book store in Portland (in part because I’m still rebuilding my income streams having moved countries) and I miss having a place I know and trust so well.

    Hi Michael, welcome to the website. I’m not scouting right now, but when I do I’ll post here as well as to my twitter and facebook.



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