A Chance to Win Prizes

So Maxima Vrugleplex, a short story of mine, has turned into a play. A play premiering in Portland, Oregon in January as part of PULP DICTION II. PULP DICTION II is a series of live staged readings of world premiere works of pulp. It’s happening at the Brody Theater in downtown Portland OR, Jan 23rd, 28th, 29th, 30th and Feb 6th.

Tina Connolly also has a play innit, so you know it will be super mega fun excellent.

The crew at Pulp Diction are a clever nifty bunch. As part of their immense cleverness they are offering prizes. Hop onto their mailing list by 1 December and you could get free tickets! Tickets? Yes tickets, you know you love tickets.

They seem quite mad and yet competent and good at MAKING GOOD STUFF HAPPEN (I loved the adaptation process, working with Brian Allard to MAKE IT MIGHTY), so to receive entertaining show info, updates and chances to win fun prizes, please e-mail their  artistic director Matt Haynes at mcglue78@yahoo.com

—Prize details—

DEC 1st PRIZE DEADLINE: Write Matt Haynes (mcglue78@yahoo.com) and put “Pulp Please” in the subject line for a chance to win the first of our round of prizes: Two free tickets to the festival finale “NOIR(ISH)” by Evan Guilford Blake, directed by Brian Allard!

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you there.


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