Appearing at Worldcon

Liz squee!

The full programming will be available on the Renovation website in a day or two (This year’s Worldcon is in Reno this year from August 17-21).

I’m super excited and grateful to be on a range of panels with some fantastic company. I have a reading of my own on Sunday. I hope you can join me for my convention solo reading debut.

Wed 14:00 – 15:00, Breaking into Comics (Panel), A01+6 (RSCC)

So, you want to be a comic writer or artist? Are you prepared enough to enter the field? Is reading 50+ comics per week enough prep?

Liz Argall (Moderator) Bill Willingham, Phil Foglio, Tanglwyst de Holloway and Winona Nelson


Wed 15:00 – 16:00, Finding Your Home in the Art World (Panel), A02 (RSCC)

Book and game illustration, concept art, comics, theater and film…  There are many directions an artist can explore. How do you choose? Do you have to? Hear from the voice of (widely varied) experience.

Lee Moyer (Moderator) Kaja Foglio, Liz Argall and Bridget Duffy


Thu 14:00 – 15:00, What to Do in a Disaster (Panel), A04 (RSCC)

Fire? Hurricane/Tornado? Earthquake? Tsunami? Nuclear incident? Are we as prepared as we can be, either individually, regionally or as a nation when a big event strikes?

Kay Tracy (Moderator), Gary Ehrlich, Liz Argall


Thu 22:00 – 23:00, Figure Drawing and Life Modeling (Demonstration), A13 (RSCC)

Experienced life model Liz Argall demonstrates how to get the most out of figure drawing with award-winning artist Bridget E. Duffy-Thorn.

Liz Argall and Bridget Duffy


Fri 11:00 – 13:00, Art Portfolio Reviews (Workshop), A18 (RSCC)

Art GoH and Art Directors review portfolios of aspiring Artists. Advance Registration Required – email

Jon Schindehette, Lou Anders, Boris Vallejo, David Palumbo, Irene Gallo and Liz Argall

Fri 14:00 – 17:00, Painting Demo with the Vallejos (Demonstration),Hall 2 Demo5 (RSCC)

An on-going painting project; stop by to see artists in action between 2 and 5 on Friday afternoon

Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Anthony Palumbo, David Palumbo, Winona Nelson, Liz Argall (model).


Sat 11:00 – 12:00, Building Your Art Portfolio (Panel), A16 (RSCC)

Whip together all of your art pieces and voila! You have your art potfolio all ready to go! It’s that simple, right?

Jon Schindehette, David Palumbo, Liz Argall, Lee Moyer, Karen Haber


Sun 11:30 – 12:00, Reading: Liz Argall (Reading), A15 (RSCC)

Liz Argall reads stuff to you! If you have a particular story of mine you’d like drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do (so many choices, shall I do several shorts? one complete longer work? hmmmmm).


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