People doing amazing things for the Write-a-thon

Check out new creative works, you won't regret it!

So I’ve written a bit about what I’m doing (and even more over on Objects of Love). What I haven’t mentioned here are the amazing things other people are doing. Here are just a few I know about. Some of these people I already know IRL. Some are people I have stumbled across through their writer pages. There are many other people doing creative things (and feel free to mention yourself in comments, with so many terrific people worthy of love I might have missed you) – here’s a small sampling of my faves.

Unusual creative outlets:

  • Kari Maaren (in addition to editing her novel) will post a fresh comic strip every day for 2 weeks for every $200 she raises. She even has a thermometer to track how much she earns (go on, tip her over the edge!)
  • Kelly Lagor will write a song about anything you want for $20 and if she gets to $400 all sponsors get an album.

Writer craft – creator community

  • Dallas Taylor (Clarion Grad 2010) has several options, including a 2000 word story about how awesome you are. (and his sponsorship page has him looking pretty smooth sitting next to a certain Mr Martin)
  • Adam Israel (Clarion Grad 2010) has several options on a sliding price scale – from intimate secrets through to tuckerization (your name in fiction!) or inspiring an entire story.
  • Ferret Steinmetz (Clarion Grad 2008)- is building an online creative community again at Clarion Echo. It’s not to late to join (all you have to do is sponsor him), you can be part of his fermented brain meats, maybe even have a story critiqued.
  • Vicoria Greisdoon – is offering everything from a mention in an e-book through to going in the draw to win THE iPad2.
  • William Alexander (Clarion 2006) – will write you poetry

These folks are doing cool things, but I should add, some people (like me) love this kind of incentive and challenge. Other creators don’t get a buzz out of this kind of thing. Everyone who does stuff in the write-a-thon, everyone who stretches themselves, explores creative paths or knuckles down is doing very cool stuff.

And every time you send a dollar to a creator, tied to a specific project or showing support, you supporting the arts, you are making writers feel loved and you rock.


5 responses to “People doing amazing things for the Write-a-thon”

  1. OK, I really need to be in the Write-a-Thon next year. This sounds like such a great experience to do cool things (if I can think of cool things to do for people) and help Clarion and have a concentrated six-week goal to work on, all in one pop.

    Ferrett wasn’t in our class; was he Clarion West 2009? Or maybe Clarion 2008?

    Kari, Kelly, Dallas, Adam, Ferrett, Vicoria, William, you are cool.

  2. Hey…thanks very much for the mention, and thanks for pointing out all these other intriguing strategies. You might also like to check out Lindsay Morgan Lockhart’s creative approach to donation solicitation. Though she doesn’t mention this approach on her profile page, if you click over to her blog, you will discover that if you are her top donor, she will make you a custom plush doll (she will do other things for you if you are NOT her top donor). I am flabbergasted by the sheer awesomeness of this offer.

  3. Thanks Kari, that is such a cool idea! How often do you get to hug a writer’s blood sweat and tears.

    I love your experiments Shauna, I can imagine you coming up with something interesting (so many different ways you could go, using your landscape/s or anthropology). You’re welcome to borrow my inanimate objects (maybe it could become a pass the parcel). Perhaps the anthropology/history of imaginary places?

  4. Cool ideas, Liz. I’ll stick them in the hopper.

  5. […] writers who have not yet begun their fundraising efforts.  Please take a look at what some of our writers have been doing to bring in donations, and use this as inspiration to come up with a fundraising drive of your own […]

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