Strange Horizons wants your love and has sweet swag

Strange Horizons, spec fic magazine of gorgeousness (and publishers of my story “The Rugged Track“) are in the big meaty part of their fundraising drive. Strange Horizons are offering prizes to people who donate (and as an indicator of the other sorts of people who <3 SH, Ursula K. Le Guin has donated a signed copy). If you have money to spare this is a great way to support inclusive, interesting, thought-provoking fiction, and plenty of swag looks more than a little tasty.

Donations are fun and easy!

Stories published at Strange Horizons in 2010 were shortlisted for the Theodore Sturgeon, Locus, Tiptree and Aurealis Awards

“Where does my money go?

Strange Horizons is staffed entirely by volunteers, so everything you donate goes towards the running of the magazine. At the moment, our costs break down something like this:

  • Your $5 donation will cover our administrative overhead costs for one week
  • Your $20 donation pays for one poem or one review
  • Your $50 donation pays for one article
  • Your $100 donation allows us to sponsor a convention event
  • Your $250 donation is the average amount we pay for a new story
  • Your $400 donation pays for an entire week’s worth of material at Strange Horizons”*


* from


One response to “Strange Horizons wants your love and has sweet swag”

  1. […] Liz Argall: “If you have money to spare this is a great way to support inclusive, interesting, thought-provoking fiction, and plenty of swag looks more than a little tasty” […]

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