I feel like a fool not mentioning this last week when Tina Connolly was coming into town as part of the SFWA Reading Series (great reading series, it’s in Portland, Seattle and I hear it might go to more cities soon).Tina Connolly’s fab eclectic podcast of short fiction, Toasted Cake, will be doing an audio version of “Shadow Play.”
I love performing my own work… I’m still a bit too intimidated/concerned about getting all the tech right to do my own audio recordings, but I love to do readings. The nice thing about Tina reading my work is a know she’ll do things that honor the story and do things I never would have imagined. It reminds me a little of comics – the thing I love about comics collaboration and the thing I miss when I’m not writing comics is the way a comic artist can take my script and vividly realize it in ways that add nuanced dimensions I could never have imagined.

If you haven’t read any of Tina’s fiction I highly recommend it. I was full of a joyous jealousy when I read the opening pages of Iron Skin. The way she builds the tension, back story and characterization through a simple door knocker inspires me! Writing this blog post has got me thinking, I’m going to put myself through a writing exercise where I take her opening pages, shift context and try to do exactly what she did. It’s not an exercise I’ve done outside of a workshop context, but it will be good for me.
Anyway, keep an eye out for “Shadow Play” on Toasted Cake and get your mittens on Ironskin (I’m sorry, I can’t give you my copy, I’m keeping it for writing exercises).
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