In news that is rad, PodCastle will be doing an audio version of Mermaid’s Hook (you can hook your eyeball-meats into the text version over at Apex Magazine).
You might recall the awesome audio version they did of The Rugged Track (my Roller Derby Fairytale), so as you can imagine I’m quite excited to have a second story with such marvelous people. I wonder who will read my story? It’s a little bit scary and a little bit marvelous to hear someone else breathe life into your work.
edit: oop! And I’m reminded I never posted a link on my website to this wonderful review. Mermaid’s Hook listed as one of the best online stories in February and March at I09.
edit edit: And apologies for lack of clarity. I’m announcing a sale, not a story going live. I don’t know when Mermaid’s Hook will be available to do the kissing, just that it will be able to kiss your ear-meats at PodCastle in the near future.
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