I have scrimmaged, I have scrimmaged intensely with incredible skaters. I have scrimmaged for two half hour periods, but I have never been in a roller derby bout. I’ve also never played co-ed derby before.
Tonight I will bout for the first time, in front of a paying audience, one team against the other. Our teams are rare exotic birds, once every few years the world turns upside down and Non Skating Officials try their hand at skating, Skaters try their hand at refereeing, Referees will be announcing and nsoing, and Announcers will be nsoing.
I am excited, I am scared, I am hungry for blood, I don’t want to hurt my fellow nsos. I am honored to be part of this NShObo tradition, skating with so many wonderful officials and glad it will be my first bout.
We’ll be playing at Sk8te town in Port Orchard, a few hours from Seattle today, Saturday August 17 2013. First bout Overbeaters Anonymous Skating against the Hungry Hungry Hippocrates Starting at 5pm and then we skate at 7pm
More info on facebook.
More info on brown paper tickets.
NShObos (wearing pink):
Hussy (Captain)
Miss Nomer
Bill Barnum
Coached by John Foul John and Eve L D’MeanHer
NSOooooo Good Lookin’s (wearing white)
Trip O. Treat
Nine Inch Wheels (Captain)
Skol n Masochism
Betsy Nails (this is me)
King Ad-Roll
Justin Jones
Les R. Evil
Coached by Mama Chewie and Miss Red
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