Lonestar 3 is almost upon us! I have signed up for quite a bit! I’d love to see you at any of my events (and given my programming I won’t have a lot of socializing time, so please come visit me.
Thursday 13:30-14:30 Locus Table
I’ll be at the Locus table in the dealers room from 1:30-2:30.
Come by and check out their sweet stuff, I’ll have mini-comics and sketch stuff if you want.
Friday 12:00 – 13:00 – Conflicting Cultures When Preserving the Environment
Panel will identify first and third world perspectives related to environmental stewardship. Who has to pay, and what is the price?
Liz Argall moderating, John K Strickland Jr., Gail Carriger , Christopher Kastensmidt and Brenda Cooper
Friday 16:00 – 17:00 Have a Literary Beer with Liz Argall
Please come and drink with me! Jo Walton will also be having literary beers at this time. Jo is awesome, so come have a beer. You can pretend to hang out with me and really hang out with her and then I can impress her with how people will come and have beer with me. Make me look good to Jo. I want to look good to a poet lady who writes about Victorianesque dragons with ritual cannibalism. If not for me, do it for Jo’s accent.
Do it!
Friday 19:00 – 20:00 Showing off Your Costume
Learn how to best present your costume, whether on stage, posing in the hall for pictures, or with a professional photographer or artist.
Liz Argall moderating, Kevin Roche and John O’Halloran.
and that’s just Friday!!!
Saturday 12:00 – 13:00 Food in Science Fiction and/or Fantasy
From soylent green, to vat-grown protein, to descriptions of lavish meals in Game of Thrones, food is depicted in many forms in science fiction and fantasy. Our panellists discuss the role of food in world-building. There may even be recipes, although probably not for soylent green.
Chris O’Halloran moderating, Liz Argall, Fran Wilde and John Pitts.
Saturday 15:00 – 16:00 First Contact in 3..2..1…
If First Contact were to happen today, and was an open event, how would the human race react? Would we feel inferior, or just try to steal their technology? Might we even attack them? What is the probability of them being hostile, curious, invading, tourists, game hunters, refugees, or would be gods?
Lawrence M. Schoen moderating, Jeffrey Shanks, Liz Argall and Cenk Gokce
Saturday 17:00-18:00 SFWA Table in the dealers room
I will be at the SFWA table. I will sign things. I will draw sketches. If you’re lucky/unlucky you might end up in a comic.
And then it is Saturday night and … we rollerskate!
Saturday 20:00-22:00 – Glitter and Mayhem Book Launch at San Antonio Rollercade
I’m not in this book, but you bet I’ll be at the Rollercade supporting this launch.
- 1) It’s a nifty looking book
- 2) Meet and skate with editors John Klima, Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, artist Galen Dara, and authors Rachel Swirsky, Maurice Broaddus, Cat Rambo, Daryl Gregory, and Vylar Kaftan!
- 3) It’s glow skating night (they also have classic arcade games, but I’m not sacrificing track time unless it’s an amazing pinball game)
- 4) It’s rollerskating at a convention
Sunday 15:00 – 16:00 Biodiversity: Why We’re Storing Billions of Seeds
Millennium Seed Bank, which has stored over 3 billion seeds to date from dwindling yet essential plant species. The reasons for storing seeds may be varied. In the case of food crops, many useful plants that were developed over centuries are now no longer used for commercial agricultural production and are becoming rare. Storing seeds also guards against catastrophic events like natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, or war.
H. G. Stratmann moderating, Sam Scheiner, Liz Argall and Amy Thomson
And then I look around with bafflement and confusion. Only one panel today? What do I do? How do I act? How will I remember who I am without a microphone in front of my face meats?
Monday 11:00 – 12:00 The Left Hand of Darkness
Le Guin’s work about a stranger in a strange land (a male human on a world of aliens with shifting genders) is widely regarded of one of the best works of fiction about gender. Longtime fans of the books talk about what The Left Hand of Darkness has meant to them, and if their views of the book have changed over time.
Jo Walton moderating, Laurie Mann, Liz Argall and Lee Martindale.
Will Jo be speaking to me after this panel? I don’t know! I’ve been rereading this book with post it notes in hand I think I might be controversial! I will certainly be speaking on behalf of my 13 year old self and that girl is feisty.
Monday 14:00 – 15:00 Reading: Liz Argall
Fifty minutes of words from my mouthparts. Oh, yeah. Come to my reading! Do it! DO EEEEET! I will be bringing minicomics. I have a soothing voice if you want to lie down at the back and have a nana nap.
And then I am done! Come find me, I might be lost and confused. I might not know who I am anymore! I will be giddy and happy and possibly still in character from my reading (so actually you might want to avoid me).

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