Come see me at Orycon!

I’ll be at Orycon November 9-11 in Portland, Oregon.

It would be lovely to see you and here are some times when you can see me/have a chat!

Friday 9 November

7pm at the Art Show, come to my Art Demo.
I’ll show you how the Things have evolved over time, various tricks and tips for getting the most out of your iPad. Come and see ways you can turn thoughts into images, or just find out a little bit more about how I create.

9pm in Jantzen, Storytelling for Adults: Handling Mature Themes.
A discussion on how to introduce mature elements into games, while not going out of your player’s comfort level, and not letting it take over the story. With Liz Argall, Sarah Sharp and Debra Stansbury.

Saturday 10 November

9am Kaffeeklatche in JB’s nightclub.
Have coffee with me! If you like my work, you’re welcome to bring all sorts of questions. I especially love these Kaffeeclatches as a chance to pay it forward. If you’re someone looking for advice in the world of writing, comics or making art, setting up a writers group or what is a SFWAN, I’m super happy to help.

Follow me from the Kaffeeklatch to my reading at 10am

10am, Liz Argall Reading, Room 152
It’s me so there may be a bit of performance poetry and singing too.

2pm Gateway Games: RPGs, Jantzen
Have friends that do not play RPGs? Here are some suggestions to get them interested. With Garry Miller, Rob Wynne, Ethan Siegal, and Liz Argall.

4:00pm The Value of Being Different, Overton
There are many terms people use to describe individuals who do not reside in the main portion of the bell curve, yet these differences have stayed in our population. Could it be that being manic, depressive, ADD, ADHD, autistic, color blind or even myopic be actually beneficial to long term survival? Come listen to our panel of experts and find out. With Liz Argall, Alan M. Clark, Judith R. Conly, Tamra Skye.

Sunday November 11

11am Autograph Session. Dealers Room.
I’ll also have things comics, cards (in time for festive seasons) and such available for purchase :-)

1:00pm Local Food & Water Sustainability & Community-Building at the Creation Station
Join us in this safe, facilitated group discussion of ideas, experiences, helpful hints, and questions, toward proactively establishing local food and water sustainability and community. Topics may include growing, raising, wildcrafting/gathering, and storing sources of food; safely and legally collecting rainwater; improving soil with compost and vermiculture; building barter and gleaning networks; creating emergency shelters, etc. Everyone attending is welcome (though not required) to share their helpful hints and inquiries. With Ellen Klowden, Liz Argall, Karen L. Black, A.M. Brosius, Elinor Gray, Guy Letourneau and Gary Miller.


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