Geist 2nd Edition
I’m proud to be a writer for Geist 2nd Edition. What a great team. I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy. You can grab a copy, physical or digital over on Kickstarter. Your pre-sales will help get this fab book into book stores and help ensure all the fantastic follow up work.
Bunson Hoppydew Responds to a Wrinkle in Time
Truck on over to Uncanny Magazine to see Bunson respond to a movie that is all too timely. And then read Briana Lawrence’s essay on why this representation means so much to her. What a gorgeous and luminous movie about a girl who has just one parent unexpectedly torn away from her. Oh my feels, check out the comic, the essay, and check out the movie. :-)
Content Connections, Governance and Thank Yous
When you think of governance what does it make you think? and what does it make you feel?
I spoke about Artificial Intelligence and Governance at Content Connections this year. People who have helped me be a well governed person, just a few of the coaches I had room to say thank you to in my talk include all my editors, especially Jed Harman, Lynne Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, ACTCOSS ED Ara Cresswell, all my physical therapists, my dad, my mum, and Kim Stanley Robinson :-)
I also send out love to those computer coach friends of ours. Texas Instruments, Lotus 123, Mavis Beacon, Singstar (the clip is from Kate Bush, Running up that Hill) and Miracle Keyboard.
You can check out more presentations and videos here at the website.
See You at Readercon?
It’s a bit last minute, but I’ll be there! :-)
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