Recent publications and a quick update

I hope everyone is doing ok. The first half of this year has included turning in a project for an awesome roleplaying game, adjusting to these new times, and reconnecting with my creative self. More reconnecting and reviving is under way!

Getting my contributors copy for Anthems Outside Time and Other Strange Voices this year was pretty sweet! Anthems Outside time is Kenneth Schneyer’s second short story collection, and we wrote one of the stories, “The Sisters’ Line”, together. It’s available for pre-order right now and coming out very very soon!

Most excitingly I’ve been creating more comics that aren’t the Things. It’s been refreshing, and good to see how my art has evolved as I’ve stepped out of my Things comfort zone. You can definitely see an evolution as I’ve continued to explore this newer approach. These experiments have enriched the Things comics I’ve been creating (such as Pop!). There’s even a dog hanging out in the webcomic now. Comics creation in general was at a pretty low ebb the last few years, so creating Things comics more regularly the last few months has been a joy for my heart.

I’m putting a lot of my new content up on my Patreon, head over there and subscribe or become a Patron (for as little as $1 a month to see all the latest drawings and adventures!

Recent non-Things comics!

Things in the news

Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday, and the poem If You Wear a Pin has been republished in the New Bush Telegraph.

Best wishes to everyone.


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