Category: Uncategorized

  • Thanks and further news

    Thanks to all the artists who sent me info. I’ll be maintaining a list of people to contact should further opportunities arise. Comicbook Opera is 99.9% complete, that .1% keeps dancing around and poking its tongue out at me, but I think we’re in fine shape for the premiere in January. The collaboration process has…

  • Paying gigs for pencillers and colourists (colorists)

    I interrupt this sporadically updated website to put out the call for talented artists (of a very particular style). I’m talent scouting for Inception Strategies, looking for Pencillers and Colourists for educational comics. Style must be DC/Marvel realistic, tight clean pencils that can go straight from pencils to colour. Must be able to commit to…

  • Musical journeys

    Tonight the Griffyn Ensemble will perform at the National Gallery of Australia – a newly composed program inspired by our closest neighbours, including Papua New Guinea, West Papua and Indonesia. (6.30pm start if you want to go). Part of their work will be an original composition by Michael Solis, the composer I’m working with to…

  • Unexpected lovely surprise

    Yesterday I got an unexpected phone call from Helen Fry editor of The Write Stuff, out of the Northern Rivers Writer’s Centre. Helen had been searching the internet, investigating comics and liked my website, and could I do an interview on the creative process! I was of course delighted and we had a lovely chat.…