Sale: Daily Science Fiction (and nekedness!)

Daily Science Fiction has bought a second story from me “A Study in Flesh and Mind”. I am quite pleased, quite pleased indeed. I updated my bio just for them:

Liz’s work has been published in a range of journals and anthologies including The Pedestal Magazine, Meanjin and Daily Science Fiction. In 2011 stories by Liz will appear in Coer Du Lion’s Anywhere But Earth anthology, Strange Horizons and on the stage as part of Pulp Diction.

Liz has been an Artists’ Model at least once (often a lot more) every year since 1998. She’s now a freelance writer, but her previous incarnations have included circus manager, refuge worker and research officer for the Order of Australia Awards. She’s a lapsed fire-twirler, has accidentally started a revolution or two and appeared naked in The Canberra Times to support the Parisian Life Models strike of 2009. She has a predilection for trouble and minor injuries.

And if they did bio photos I’d be tempted to send them this one, given it’s a story about a life model. Photo hidden below the cut as it might not be safe for work… although it is a level of nudity acceptable in a general distribution print newspaper.

Life Model Photo
PHOTO MARINA NEIL – Canberra Times Photo Shoot FRIDAY 19TH DECEMBER 2008


One response to “Sale: Daily Science Fiction (and nekedness!)”

  1. geethmangal Avatar

    wow what a lovely pic.i love this pic it’s wonderfull

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