Betsy Nails didn’t go to The Big O, but a certain Ichabod ‘splain had her announcing debut.
Not all has been uploaded, but this is what’s available so far.
Arizona vs Sin City, first announcing gig ever! With the fabulous Fragglepuss the Chaste.
Humboldt vs Treasure Valley, with sophisticated man of mystery Phil Dirt
Lane vs Arizona with Phil Dirt again. Track 1 had its own live stream, so you won’t hear my words, but you will see Mike reffing
Silicon Valley vs Slaughter County with .00 Buck. A bout with 100% more nso dancing and at one point I might have serenaded .00 Buck!
Wasach vs Victorian Roller Derby League with John Masterati
…. has not yet been uploaded!!! Soon, I am sure. What an honor to be part of this bout. I was a little bit terrified, but hopefully I did alright by my countrywomen.
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