Wiscon, the fab feminist fiction festival on matters speculative, interstitial and intersectional, is done for another year.
I’m in the airport at O’Hare and my flight boards in 10 minutes, but here’s the initial links I promised to folks during the Karen Axness panel.
Blog post wherein I ask for help around books to read and female writers to pay attention to. The comments section is FULL of excellent suggestions.
Twitter hashtags to pay attention to if you want book suggestions #womeningenre #womentoread
Comic Rocket. Amazing tool for keeping track of webcomics that maximizes benefit to the creators you love (RSS feeds are convenient, but not always the best for the creators in terms of web page hits) and helps you find other good comics. If you feel like keeping track of my webcomic through this tool you can do so here.
Information on Coverflip and what next?
The Goodreads list I put together in preparation for the panel. I will be adding to it when I get a moment to breathe.
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