People are awesome, part 1

On My Shoulder, art by Maggie McFee, script by Liz Argall

The most excellent Maggie McFee coloured a comic we made together many years ago. She is awesome. I need to do a whole blog post about the value and significance of the old ozcomics/pulpfaction crew. The cohorts you start with, years and years on, they’re the people I look to and the people that keep me believing in comics when life gets hard (even though I’m not good at staying in touch and mostly lurk or fondly remember).

This comic was inspired by Forgi, a friend I’ve known for much of my life. She told me I had more than one guardian angel, I’m not really a guardian angel kinda person, but at the same time I was really touched by Forgi’s caring… and somewhat shenaniganny words (shenaniganny is a real word, I swear! ;))

Here’s a tiny thumbnail, go check it out on her website.




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