I had the pleasure of skating in a mixed team of Rat City skaters after weather created much sadness for Juneau Roller Girls of Alaska. Juneau tried very hard to make it to Seattle to play against Jet City’s Camaro Harem, but after days at the airport it was clear they were not going to make it. Rat City quickly pulled together a team to play, my first ever bout against an established team. There was an audience and announcers and I thought I was hallucinating, because when I went up to jam (ie be the skater who runs through everyone to get points) folks chanted my name. It was a lot of fun to play. On the eve of the Seahawks going to the superbowl our team was called Go Hawks. Our cheers included “Sea. Hawks. Sea. Hawks” and “Friendship is Magic!”
Hopefully Juneau will be able to make it out some other time, that must have been so rough for them. I hope we get to see them play soon.
I’m the chick in a white t-shirt with a purple helmet and braids.
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