Tag: injuries

  • I didn’t know toes could do that!

    I spent a lot of last week flat on my back plagued by a fearsome cold (or as we say in Australia, and the UK, a fearsome lurgy). On Saturday, recovering at last I did a bit of work on the laptop with my feet folded under me. I like to sit that way, it…

  • The glasses made whole

    I hiked out to Asterix Eyewear (though the sign says All American Eyewear) in NE Portland to see if my glasses could be repaired… my ocular vision a little strained from seeing the world through a sagging bandaid repair and a little bit afraid to move my head. Every time I tilted my head down…

  • Numbers, Ankles and Visas

    It’s been a full few weeks. Here’s a little by the numbers. 6 whole days until I leave Canberra 4 whole days to pack up most of the house and prepare an awesome farewell 3 torn ligaments in my right ankle 3 visits to the physiotherapist and 1 ankle brace 1 set of x-rays showing…

  • Little liz – the accident prone years

    … no the accident prone years would mean just about any year. I am writing this with a strapped finger after getting a deep slash in my finger while examining suitcases. I wrote up this anecdote to share with my Co-Clarionaters, we’re getting to know each other and Mr Nicholas Bede Stenner suggested we share…