Happy 40th birthday Norwescon!
Norwescon this year is on April 13–16 at SeaTac, WA
Come say hi, I’ll be on programming, running a workshop for anyone who wants to create comics and my autograph session will be on Saturday.
Make sure you pop by the autograph session if you would like me to draw a Things sketch for you, it’s always lovely to meet folks who love the comic.
Escher Girls & the Hawkeye Initiative
9:00pm – 10:00pm @ Evergreen 1&2
I have to put in a special plug for this one, the last Escher Girls panel I did a few years ago (at Wiscon) was so much fun. I think the moderator was afraid we were going to sprain something!
Our heroines are too often subjected to hypersexualized poses and crimes against anatomy—for reasons irrelevant to their character or kickassitude. Jim Hines’ book cover project, Escher Girls, and The Hawkeye Initiative are just three of a number of movements humorously deconstructing these problematic images. Let’s point and laugh, and talk about how to fix things.
Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), Lee Moyer, Liz Argall, Marta Murvosh
Worldbuilding: Alien Cultures that Don’t Dehumanize
8:00pm – 9:00pm @ Cascade 10
Set a cowboy-and-Indian yarn on another planet. Swap the cowboys for space rangers and the indigenes for monstrous aliens—the premise for countless space operas of the pulp era. The metaphor is clear: Native Americans are monstrous. How do you mirror alien societies with their Earthly counterparts without portraying non-Western races and religions as inhuman themselves?
Liz Argall (M), Stephanie Weippert, K. M. Alexander, Rhiannon Held
Grounded Sci-Fi
9:00pm – 10:00pm @ Cascade 10
Liz Argall (M), Crystal Connor, Wendy N. Wagner, Marc Gascoigne
Join our panelists as they discuss Sci-Fi that isn’t set in space, and the unique benefits and challenges such stories present.
Liz Argall (M), Crystal Connor, Wendy N. Wagner, Marc Gascoigne, Ian McDonald
Fantastic Foldies for the Comic Creator or Zine-ster In All of Us – Creative Workshop with Liz Argall
12:00pm – 1:00pm @ Cascade 12
All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil and you can make an unfolding mini-comic that doesn’t need staples, has hidden surprises and gets your story out into the world fast. Once you’ve created your original piece, foldies are one of the fastest and cheapest zines to get out in the world as all you need is one page B&W double sided printing. This workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to play around with visual storytelling, from people who aren’t sure how to draw stick figures, writers who want to collaborate better with artists, to visual artists looking for a different way to play with the form. Some art supplies will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring pencils, pens, or erasers.
Presented by Cascade Writers. Ages 13+. To sign up, email workshops@norwescon.org with the title of the workshop in the subject line.
Autograph Session 2
3:00pm – 4:00pm @ Grand 2
I’ll have have paper and brushes if anyone wants a sketch as well as an autograph!
Catska Ench, Cory Ench, Ethan Siegel, Ian McDonald, Marc Gascoigne, Mike Underwood, Nancy Kress, Alexander James Adams, Cat Rambo, Dale Ivan Smith, Erik Scott de Bie, Evan J. Peterson, Jeremy Zimmerman, John (J.A.) Pitts, Jude-Marie Green, Kristi Charish, Laura Anne Gilman, Liz Argall, Django Wexler, Frog Jones, Raven J. Demers, Spencer Ellsworth, Susan R. Matthews, Morgue Anne, Brenda Cooper, Lisa Mantchev, Bella la Blanc, Mark Teppo, Claudia Casper, Susan diRende, Kristy Acevedo
3:00pm – 4:00pm @ Cascade 12
What are the pitfalls and benefits of writing with a partner? How do you share the process? Are two heads really better than one? Our panelists will share their own examples of what works and what doesn’t.
Marta Murvosh (M), Manny Frishberg, Liz Argall, Jack Skillingstead
See you there!
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