Author: Liz


    Wow, that was such a fun evening. How to describe? Perhaps images will do it better. Thank you thankyou thankyou to our photographer, Nick Skol. I also did a somewhat rambly youtube post where I talk about the NSHOBO awards and such. The NSHOBOS are great, providing training and support for Derby Non Skating Officials.…

  • My first roller derby bout

    I have scrimmaged, I have scrimmaged intensely with incredible skaters. I have scrimmaged for two half hour periods, but I have never been in a roller derby bout. I’ve also never played co-ed derby before. Tonight I will bout for the first time, in front of a paying audience, one team against the other. Our…

  • Menace to fandom

    Some of my favorite parts of fandom, gaming and pop culture have been critiqued by a vocal but all too defining minority. Things I really don’t need to hear or have implied include “Women are ruining fandom!” “Diversity will mean quotas and lower standards!” “Where are the young people? Fandom is dying because they don’t…

  • Poetry and Physics

    At Wiscon I had Indian food with great people. Because of this I was challenged in a way I have never been challenged before. I don’t know how many times I tried to write a poem about The Tick that night. I know I mumbled spoon, city, thick layery chocolate cake of justice. Trying to…

  • Do you want to survive your next con?

    Five things authors and artists put in their bags of holding. You can find out what’s in my bag, as well as the bags of Elizabeth Bear, Kyle Cassidy, Wes Chu, Eugene Myers, Scott Lynch, Lynne M. Thomas, LaShawn M. Wanak, Chuck Wendig, and A.C. Wise. What nice company!

  • But enough about me

    Did you know the Canberra Speculative Fiction Writers Guild (spec fic writers of MY hometown) are writing a book in a day to raise monies for Paediatrics at the Canberra Hospital? I love the audacity and intense collaboration of this project, go check it out! Best wishes to all the mad creators diving in, may the…

  • Last day to vote for THINGS

    Last day to vote for Things mini-comic content, what will the Things be?

  • My words on the SFWA website & Things mini-comic

    One my blog posts has been reproduced over on the Science Fiction Writers of America website, Jelousing Is the New Writing Exercise. Meanwhile, over on the Things website, you to vote for which comics will go into the first print version of Things Without Arms and Without Legs. Please help me decide and let me…

  • Nothing to Prove

    Oh wow, I love this song. When I saw it on Scalzi’s blog I expected it to be a fun affirming song to start my day with. I didn’t anticipate crying for the whole song while smiling. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear this. Proving yourself can just become second nature. There…

  • Launch Pad Video Blog burbling summary

    Hello! The internet took away my blog post (aka my own absent mindedness and failure to press that pesky save button) and so I did a video blog to capture a fragment of was nifty and cool. Edit: I love the conversations in SCIENCE. The shininess of the exoplanets app led me to believe I…