Category: News update
I’ll be interviewing Ken Schneyer this Thursday (or Friday Depending on Time Zones)
On Thursday, July 16, I will be interviewing author Ken Schneyer about his fantastic collection ANTHEMS OUTSIDE TIME AND OTHER STRANGE VOICES as part of his book launch. It would be splendid if you could join us. LIVE! on Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific. Hosted by Patrick Swenson of Fairwood Press.
Recent publications and a quick update
I hope everyone is doing ok. The first half of this year has included turning in a project for an awesome roleplaying game, adjusting to these new times, and reconnecting with my creative self. More reconnecting and reviving is under way! Getting my contributors copy for Anthems Outside Time and Other Strange Voices this year…
More webcomics for you
I’ve been creating a lot more comics over at I decided that it was important to have kind, all ages stuff that engages with our current pandemic. It’s confronting, sometimes, to have such dear sweet characters go through the pandemic with us, but that felt the most emotionally honest thing to do. There are…
Home from the Nebula conference
The Nebula conference (held in Burbank this year, and will be held in Burbank again next year) was quite delightful. The quality of panels was high and it was very nice to chat to delightful friends, old and new. I had a bit of shoulder separation to deal with, which meant early nights and taking…
Emerald City Comicon, this weekend
Hello all, sorry for the terribly late notice. I’ll be on a panel at Emerald City Comicon called Consent is Sexy, tomorrow (Saturday) at 12:15! CONSENT IS SEXY: THE ART AND THE IMPORTANCE OF PUTTING CONSENT ON THE PAGE SAT, MAR 16, 2019 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM WSCC 3A In today’s social climate, it’s…
Gaming Characters I Have Loved
I’ve spoken often about how Roleplaying Games have been valuable to me. There is something transformative about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and sharing an imaginative experience with others. I don’t know how I would have survived my teens without them. Systemless gaming (a little like scandanavian LARP, only not and with a long…
Come see me at Orycon!
I’ll be at Orycon November 9-11 in Portland, Oregon. It would be lovely to see you and here are some times when you can see me/have a chat! Friday 9 November 7pm at the Art Show, come to my Art Demo. I’ll show you how the Things have evolved over time, various tricks and tips…
Geist, Bunson, AI Conferences and more.
Geist 2nd Edition I’m proud to be a writer for Geist 2nd Edition. What a great team. I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy. You can grab a copy, physical or digital over on Kickstarter. Your pre-sales will help get this fab book into book stores and help ensure all the…
Awards Eligibility Post
Are you someone who participates in the Hugo Awards and suchlike? Did you know my work with the Things, Uncanny Magazine and Mad Scientist Journal makes me a Fan Artist? So if you would like to nominate me for such an honor, you can!
We’ll be at the Rollergirl Art Show in Seattle on December 17
17 December at 11:00–15:00 843 Hiawatha Pl S, Seattle, WA 98144-2823, United States I’ll be selling cards, calendars, stickers, prints and three comics. You can stock up for Christmas with the All Ages comic collection “Hello World”. You will also be able to get my not quite so all ages collection “Songs Dreams and Nightmares”…