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Author: Liz

Drakkenhall and Behemoths News

Drakkenhall and Behemoths News

I’m so excited to have contributed to these two 13th Age books, coming out from Pelgrane Press.

Drakkenhall is now available for pre-order. Where you can see how I added a little lawful evil Jane Austen inspired shenanigans to the city of monsters. It was a fun fun chapter to write, who doesn’t want the stats for a Fashionista Oooze? I get so much fun writing about urban environments in high fantasy settings. The bits of history you get to draw on twist and play with, delicious!

And Behemoths has a shiny new cover. You can go check out the cover reveal on the Pelgrane Site.

Appearing at the Nebula Conference

Appearing at the Nebula Conference

I’ll be on a panel about comics at the Nebula Conference on Fri, May 20, 2022 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM PST.

Comics and the Craft of Storytelling

When do you need a picture, and when do you need a thousand words—and when do you need both? How have comics shaped popular narrative themes and readers’ habits? Join us as artists and writers discuss how sequential art elevates storytelling.

See You at GenCon Online this Saturday? (Registration is Free!)

See You at GenCon Online this Saturday? (Registration is Free!)


I was on this last year and it was super fun! What will come from this workshop? You help decide! … or have fun watching game designers bounce off wild prompts to come up with something new.

Saturday, September 12, at 11 a.m. PT, 2:00 p.m ET, join 13th Age writers Rob Heinsoo, J-M DeFoggi, Wade Rockett, and me as we juggle your brainstorms to create a memorable 13th Age monster.

Register now . . .  for How To Design a Monster in 13th Age

10 Minute Confessional Debut, Tuesday June 22

10 Minute Confessional Debut, Tuesday June 22

I’ve been working on a new play with the Pulp Stage. It’s been quite exciting to workshop new material with them. I have several plays performed by the Pulp Stage, but I’ve never written a play with them before. The process has been unlike any other workshop or critique group I’ve done! I’ve enjoyed how much 10 Minute Confessional has improved thanks to everyone in the workshop.


Tuesday, June 22
5:30 pm, Pacific
Directed by Bobby Bermea

New short works by
Liz Argall
Jonathon Benjamin
Sharece Sellem

RSVP access only through Zoom.
To get the link, shoot the Pulp Stage an email
Three playwrights from across the country present new short works that have gone through Way of Pulp Stage: No visuals, fierce dialogue, maximum stakes, maximum ease to follow, maximum passion… and of course, heightened subject matter.

Some challenges make
The bravest ones run
But not our fierce scribes
So let’s have some fun!

This presentation contains some expletives as well as themes of murder, emotionally abusive systems, the World War II holocaust, and the Devil. It is best suited for audiences age 13 and up.

Recently: Pelgrane Press and Comics

Recently: Pelgrane Press and Comics

I’m super excited to let folks know that I’m contributing 13th Age’s Drakkenhall: City of Monsters and Behemoths: Paths of the Koru. John-Matthew DeFoggi and Rob Heinsoo have been fantastic developers to work with and it’s been delightful developing ideas that delve into new, chewy and delicious aspects of the 13th Age world.

We Need to Talk About Mental Health now has its own dedicated page, and at long last has a transcript as well.

Since I turned in my chapters for 13th Age, I’ve been working on a longer form comics and making sure is on a steady publishing schedule. I’m not always good at sharing my comics to social media, but it’s been very gratifying to solidly have a comic published every Monday (and Patrons get early access on Friday), especially as I started a new day job in December.

Extra special thanks to my Patrons over at Patreon, you are so sustaining and fantastic. And thank you to everyone who shares my work, clicks a link, takes a bit of time out of their day to read my work. Your time is precious and I appreciate you so much.

Appearing at OR e-Con this Sunday!

Appearing at OR e-Con this Sunday!

Orycon is hosting a free virtual convention this weekend. There’s loads of things going on, and I’ll be part of three panels on Sunday 15 November hosted by Creation Station. 

  • 11 am to 12 noon: Local Food & Bee Sustainability
  • 1 pm to 2 pm: Disaster Prep/Bug-Out Bag Prep
  • 4pm to 5pm: Art from the Heart; doodling your way into comics

All of these events will be in the OR e-Con Creation Station Zoom Room

Meeting ID: 989 0814 5440 Passcode: 561557

It would be lovely to see you all!

Lets build a monster on Sunday at Gencon!

Lets build a monster on Sunday at Gencon!

I’ll be doing my first GenCon this year, as part of the annual 13th Age Monster Seminar! Wade Rockett will be the ill fated moderator, wrangling both audience and 13th Age folks in the form of Rob Heinsoo, J-M DeFoggi, Anne-Marie Boeve and me!

I love writing for 13th Age. Please join us on Sunday, 2 August at 2:00 PM EDT/11am Pacific, where we’ll design a new monster based on audience suggestions. Tickets are free, but you do need to register.

I’ll be interviewing Ken Schneyer this Thursday (or Friday Depending on Time Zones)

I’ll be interviewing Ken Schneyer this Thursday (or Friday Depending on Time Zones)

On Thursday, July 16, I will be interviewing author Ken Schneyer about his fantastic collection ANTHEMS OUTSIDE TIME AND OTHER STRANGE VOICES as part of his book launch. It would be splendid if you could join us.

LIVE! on Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific.

Hosted by Patrick Swenson of Fairwood Press.

Recent publications and a quick update

Recent publications and a quick update

I hope everyone is doing ok. The first half of this year has included turning in a project for an awesome roleplaying game, adjusting to these new times, and reconnecting with my creative self. More reconnecting and reviving is under way!

Getting my contributors copy for Anthems Outside Time and Other Strange Voices this year was pretty sweet! Anthems Outside time is Kenneth Schneyer’s second short story collection, and we wrote one of the stories, “The Sisters’ Line”, together. It’s available for pre-order right now and coming out very very soon!

Most excitingly I’ve been creating more comics that aren’t the Things. It’s been refreshing, and good to see how my art has evolved as I’ve stepped out of my Things comfort zone. You can definitely see an evolution as I’ve continued to explore this newer approach. These experiments have enriched the Things comics I’ve been creating (such as Pop!). There’s even a dog hanging out in the webcomic now. Comics creation in general was at a pretty low ebb the last few years, so creating Things comics more regularly the last few months has been a joy for my heart.

I’m putting a lot of my new content up on my Patreon, head over there and subscribe or become a Patron (for as little as $1 a month to see all the latest drawings and adventures!

Recent non-Things comics!

Things in the news

Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday, and the poem If You Wear a Pin has been republished in the New Bush Telegraph.

Best wishes to everyone.