Author: Liz
The Nebula Awards 50th Anniversary Conference aka ZOMG I JUST CAN’T EVEN WITH WORDS
The Nebula Awards Conference was wonderful! So many great people, great programming, my only sadness was that I didn’t get to spend more time with ALL THE PEOPLE, and I really should have organized having meals with people a little bit better. I ended up not eating very much, but hospitality’s delicious ham and frozen…
Nebula Awards Conference Programming
Hello! I will be at the Nebula Awards 50th Anniversary Conference, exciting stuff! I’ll be doing a spot of programming, an ask an expert session, the author signing, and possibly a little bit of dancing! Thursday, May 12 • 3:00pm – 4:00pm The Future of Racism The past’s virulent racism against the Irish has now…
Yesterday I was re-reading a story of mine as I was working on a creative residency application. “Soon She Will Be Forty” still makes me tear up, and reading about the life of a derby player has extra resonance right now. The postie made a clatter when he dropped off mail and parcels. I went…
Things at the Nebula Conference
The 2016 Nebula Conference will be celebrating 50 years of the Nebula Awards and the line up of folks shortlisted is quite spectacular. It’s the sort of shortlist that makes you want to read all the things and fall in love with reading all over again. The programming looks so interesting I’m worried I might…
Two Author Spotlights! Christopher Barzak and Rudy Rucker
Moar neat stuff up at Lightspeed Magazine! Sweet stuff for free and if you want to subscribe you’re supporting MOAR AWESOME! I interviewed Christopher Barzak about his story Map of Seventeen, it’s the sort of coming of age story in a rural and remote community with all the sorts of nuance I love. The Story.…
In memoriam and into the future
This year seems to have contained more death than usual. I don’t know if it’s the way the seasons move, my generation is old enough to have more people in the danger zone. Death is a constant, but some major voices have been lost, and I’m still not over Whitlam. Within one year we have lost David…
Did you see the Things over at Uncanny Magazine?
Bunson Hoppydew and one of the Things have a rather charming response (if I do say so myself) to Jim C. Hines‘ essay, “Men of Their Times” from Uncanny Magazine Issue 9. Click through for more!
Interview with Kat Howard
My boss at Lightspeed (Robyn Lupo) and I interviewed Kat Howard about her story Maiden, Hunter, Beast. It mentions unicorn stickers and pictures of cats, so you know you want to read it… you might want to read the story first. You can read the article for free online, but you can also support and see…
David Hartwell
I had a different post planned for today, but this must take precedence. David Hartwell has had a massive brain bleed and is not expected to recover. I think of what an absence he will be, such a smiling face to look forward to at conventions, the instant knowledge that that part of the bar or…
Which Uncanny stories do you love? Psst, you can make up your mind now and one of them could be a story of mine!
To celebrate 2015, Uncanny Magazine is holding a readers poll from January 11 to January 25. You can vote for your favorite stories and let the magazine and the authors know what you think was rad. “The Sisters Line” by Kenneth Schneyer and I just so happens to be one of the stories you can…