Author: Liz

  • Sometimes when I’m jamming I think happy shark thoughts. Thanks Momma Getsome!

  • Comic Mix March Madness Round 2

    We’re in Round Two! AND we’re paired off against Girls With Slingshots! In honor of this momentous occasion I’ve drawn a comic. Deepest thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who donated to the Hero Initiative. Together we made it! Voting closes Saturday, Midnight, East Coast USA time.

  • Comic Mix Madness Round 1!

    The short version: Things Without Arms and Without Legs made it into Comix Mix Madness Round 1. You can vote for them along with all your other favorite comics. Round One Vote. You have until Wednesday (timezone unstated, but probably midnight East Coast American) to vote. If you’re like me and easily baffled know that…

  • Comics Mix March Madness voting!

    Things Without Arms and Without Legs are on the Comic Mix long list for the March Madness webcomics tournament. It is such an honor to make it onto the list of 300. Go vote for the comics you love and decide which of the 128 gets through to play in the tournament. It’s super easy,…

  • Ichabod ‘splain at the Wild West Showdown

    I’m often terrible at telling people when I’m announcing. It’s tempting to remain terrible so that I can get surprised messages from people going, “OMG! Am I listening to YOU?” These are the events I announced as Ichabod ‘splain at the Wild West Showdown. I shall try to endure listening to my voice soon. Here…

  • Love is a Component of this Story – out to Daily Science Fiction subscribers today

    Love is a Component of this Story – out to Daily Science Fiction subscribers today

    The MOST ROMANTIC STORY I HAVE EVER WRITTEN went out to Daily Science Fiction subscribers today (subscription is free and you get a sweet sweet nugget of fiction that speculates in your inbox every morning). If you are not a subscriber you’ll be able to read it live on their website next week. If you…

  • Adventures in Derbyland

    Adventures in Derbyland

    I had the pleasure of skating in a mixed team of Rat City skaters after weather created much sadness for Juneau Roller Girls of Alaska. Juneau tried very hard to make it to Seattle to play against Jet City’s Camaro Harem, but after days at the airport it was clear they were not going to…

  • Destroying Science Fiction

    The good people over at Lightspeed Magazine asked me to write an essay for them about my experience as a woman destroying science fiction. It’s part of a great kickstarter to celebrate and showcase female contributors to genre fiction put together by one of genre’s finest contemporary magazines. I think my favorite moment writing this…

  • New Year’s Resolution!

    I’ve blogged about my resolve for the new year on a completely different website. Head over to the Things Without Arms and Without Legs website if you want to read about play, fun and burnout avoidance. I’d love to hear about your resolutions over there too, maybe we can cheer each other on as the…

  • Glutes glutes glutes!

    So, I made an interesting derby discovery, interesting enough that I thought it deserved a blog post! I was chatting to my sister about glutes the other day. She was telling me how whenever we get injured or hurt our glutes can shut down. It’s sort of the body’s way of saying OH FOR F$%&*%%%%%…