Category: Conventions
Clarion Essay Collection Updated!
Tamara Vardomskaya’s from Clarion 2014 wrote a lovely post entitled “Invitation to the Clarion Game. It has been added to the list. The Arthur C Clarke Centre For Imagination also has some of 2014’s thoughts about the experiences on their website. Amanda Fitzwater, Haralambi Markov, Amin Chehelnabi and Martin Cahill. It’s a pretty amazing resource and soon there will be…
Thank you to my first two sponsors! :-)
Signups for the Clarion-write-a-thon continue, they’re now at 60 participants (include a fake test person, Edgar Allen Poe will not be participating, though he signs up every year). It’s cool to see more people arriving. I might check the list periodically and click through to look at interesting people and smile when I see familiar…
Write-a-thon, THINGS, and I do mean things.
What? What? It’s the Clarion Write-a-thon already? Didn’t I just do that? Wasn’t I going to write a blog post about what I was going to do before it began? Clearly not. Anyhow, I am creating for the write-a-thon. I have set myself several juicy challenges and shall report upon my progress with as much…
Fogcon Machine
This weekend I’ll be zooming down to Fogcon down in California. I’m pretty excited about all the great people and conversations I know I’m going to experience. Speaking of fabulous people a care package from the Machine of Death crew has just arrived. Machine of Death likes the postal service. I will have copies of…
World Fantasy Con Reading
World Fantasy Con‘s Programming has been released and I can proudly announce I will be doing a reading. Pacific 6/7 on Saturday at 3pm. I think I’ll do The Rugged Track if it’s a new bunch of people. If it’s people who’ve heard me read before I think I’ll do “Maia Blue is Going Home”…
Love Letters to Inanimate Objects – Clarion Writeathon
Define a love letter for $20 Head on over to Objects of Love to see new work emerge. It’s not too late to sponsor an object! Clarion Writers Workshop Write-a-Thon runs concurrently with the workshop (June 26 to August 6, 2011) and raises money to help the workshop exist and enable scholarships for new writers.…
Preparing to write write write
In a few short days I’ll be writing for the Clarion Write-a-Thon. It turns out this is a necessary act of madness. I’ve been neglecting my novel you see. I’ve had a surge in work – writing websites, communication campaigns and work-for-hire comic books and moving to Seattle AND travelling back to Portland to work…
Congratulations to Clarion Class of 2010
Yes the class of 2010 has been announced. Dear Clarion Class of 2010, Congratulations and welcome. I hope you have an amazing time. I can’t believe it’s been a year already! It feels like yesterday I was running round the house waving my hands and opening bottles of champagne. Here are some things I think…
Clarion Blogs February Update
Three new Clarion blogs have been added to the collection this month – Random Jane, Artemis Jones and Allan Rouselle. I found these blogs through a lovely e-mail Neile Graham sent me many months ago that I’m slowly working my way through. Thanks Neile!
Campbell Awards – get ready to vote!
“The John W. Campbell Award is given to the best new science fiction or fantasy writer whose first work professional publication in the previous two year. of science fiction or fantasy was published in the previous two years” (Campbell official website). I’m not sure if I’m in my first year of eligibility, though I am…